Know Google Search Console better

Know Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a web service by Google that helps website owners monitor and maintain their site’s presence in Google search results. It includes several components that provide different types of information and functionality.

Important elements of search console

  1. Performance: This section provides data on how well your website is performing in Google search results. It includes information on the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rate for your website’s pages over a specific time period.

  2. Coverage: This section provides information on how well Google is able to crawl and index your website’s pages. It includes data on any crawl errors, security issues, or other problems that may be preventing your pages from appearing in search results.

  3. Sitemaps: This section allows you to submit sitemaps to Google, which can help Google discover and index your website’s pages more quickly and effectively.

  4. URL Inspection: This feature allows you to inspect any URL on your website and see how it appears in Google’s index. It also provides information on any crawl errors or issues that may be preventing the URL from appearing in search results.

  5. Links: This section provides data on the external links pointing to your website. It includes information on the number of links, the linking domains, and the anchor text used in the links.

  6. Manual Actions: This section shows any manual actions taken by Google against your website. It includes information on the type of action taken and the specific pages affected.

  7. Security & Manual Actions: This section shows any security issues or manual actions taken against your website by Google.

  8. Settings: This section allows you to configure various settings for your website in Google Search Console, such as the preferred domain, crawl rate, and more.



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How to leverage each elements in search console?

1. Performance: This section can help businesses understand how their website is performing in Google search results. By analyzing the data on clicks, impressions, and click-through rate, businesses can identify which pages on their website are performing well and which pages need improvement. Businesses can also use this data to identify trends and patterns in their search traffic, which can inform decisions about content creation and optimization.

2. Coverage: This section can help businesses understand how well Google is able to crawl and index their website. By identifying and fixing any crawl errors or security issues, businesses can ensure that all of their pages are being indexed and appearing in search results. This can help to improve the visibility and growth of their website.

3. Sitemaps: By submitting sitemaps to Google, businesses can help to ensure that all of their pages are being discovered and indexed by Google. This can help to improve the visibility and growth of their website.

4. URL Inspection: This feature can help businesses understand how a specific URL on their website is performing in Google’s index. By identifying and fixing any crawl errors or issues, businesses can ensure that the URL is appearing in search results and driving traffic to their website.

5. Links: This section can help businesses understand which external websites are linking to their website. By identifying high-quality, relevant links, businesses can work to improve their website’s authority and search rankings.

6. Manual Actions: This section shows any manual actions taken by Google against the website. By identifying and fixing any issues identified by Google, businesses can help to ensure that their website is in compliance with Google’s guidelines and avoid any penalties or penalties that might impact the website visibility or growth.

7. Security & Manual Actions: This section shows any security issues or manual actions taken against the website by Google. By identifying and fixing any issues, businesses can help to ensure that their website is secure and avoid any penalties or penalties that might impact the website visibility or growth.

8. Settings: This section allows businesses to configure various settings for their website in Google Search Console, such as the preferred domain, crawl rate, and more. By configuring these settings correctly, businesses can help to ensure that their website is being crawled and indexed correctly by Google, which can improve the visibility and growth of their website.

How "Performance" helps to improve a website?

The “Performance” component in Google Search Console has several sub-components that provide specific types of data and functionality:

  1. Search Results: This sub-component provides data on how well your website is performing in Google search results, including the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rate for your website’s pages over a specific time period.

  2. Queries: This sub-component provides data on the specific queries that are driving traffic to your website, including the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rate for each query.

  3. Pages: This sub-component provides data on the specific pages on your website that are driving traffic from Google search results, including the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rate for each page.

  4. Countries: This sub-component provides data on the specific countries where your website’s search traffic is coming from, including the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rate for each country.

  5. Devices: This sub-component provides data on the specific devices that are being used to access your website from Google search results, including the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rate for each device type.

  6. Search Appearance: This sub-component provides data on the specific search appearance features that are associated with your website, such as rich snippets and knowledge panels. It includes data on the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rate for each search appearance feature.

  7. Search Analysis: This sub-component allows you to compare how your website is performing in Google search results to your competitors. It includes data on the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rate for your website and your competitors.

These sub-components can help businesses identify the specific areas where their website is performing well, and where they need to improve, thus help them make data-driven decisions to increase website growth.

How "Coverage" helps to improve a website?​​

The “Coverage” component in Google Search Console has several sub-components that provide specific types of data and functionality:

  1. Error: This sub-component provides information on any crawl errors that Google has encountered while trying to access your website’s pages. It includes data on the specific URLs that have errors, the type of error, and the number of times the error has occurred. By identifying and fixing these errors, businesses can ensure that all of their pages are being indexed and appearing in search results, which can help to improve the visibility and growth of their website.

  2. Excluded: This sub-component provides information on any pages that have been excluded from Google’s index. This could be because of no-index tags, canonicalization issues or blocked by robots.txt. By identifying the pages that have been excluded, businesses can take steps to fix the issues and ensure that these pages are being indexed and appearing in search results.

  3. Valid with warnings: This sub-component provides information on any pages that have been indexed by Google but have some issues that could affect their performance in search results. It includes data on the specific URLs that have warnings, the type of warning, and the number of times the warning has occurred. By identifying and fixing these warnings, businesses can ensure that their pages are performing well in search results.

  4. Valid: This sub-component provides information on the pages that have been indexed by Google and have no issues. This can give businesses an understanding of how many of their pages are being indexed and appearing in search results.

By identifying and fixing any crawl errors, excluded pages and warnings, businesses can ensure that all of their pages are being indexed and appearing in search results. This can help to improve the visibility and growth of their website.


How "Sitemaps" helps to improve a website?​​

The “Sitemaps” component in Google Search Console has several sub-components that provide specific types of data and functionality:

  1. Submitted Sitemaps: This sub-component provides information on all of the sitemaps that have been submitted to Google. It includes data on the date the sitemap was last submitted, the number of URLs in the sitemap, and the number of URLs that have been indexed. By submitting sitemaps, businesses can help Google discover and index their website’s pages more quickly and effectively.

  2. Indexed: This sub-component provides information on the number of URLs from the submitted sitemaps that have been indexed by Google. It can give businesses an understanding of how well their sitemaps are working and how many of their pages are being indexed.

  3. Warnings: This sub-component provides information on any issues or warnings that Google has encountered while trying to access the URLs in the sitemaps. It includes data on the specific URLs that have warnings, the type of warning, and the number of times the warning has occurred. By identifying and fixing these warnings, businesses can ensure that their sitemaps are working correctly and that all of their pages are being indexed.

  4. Errors: This sub-component provides information on any errors that Google has encountered while trying to access the URLs in the sitemaps. It includes data on the specific URLs that have errors, the type of error, and the number of times the error has occurred. By identifying and fixing these errors, businesses can ensure that their sitemaps are working correctly and that all of their pages are being indexed.

By submitting and maintaining sitemaps, businesses can help Google discover and index their website’s pages more quickly and effectively. This can help to improve the visibility and growth of their website.

How "URL Inspection" helps to improve a website performance?​

The “URL Inspection” component in Google Search Console has several sub-components that provide specific types of data and functionality:

  1. Live Test: This sub-component allows you to test a specific URL on your website to see how it appears in Google’s index. It provides information on whether the URL is indexed, the last time it was indexed, and any crawl errors or issues that may be preventing the URL from appearing in search results. By identifying and fixing these issues, businesses can ensure that their URLs are being indexed and appearing in search results, which can help to improve the visibility and growth of their website.

  2. URL details: This sub-component provides detailed information about the specific URL, including the date it was last crawled by Google, the status of the URL, and any crawl errors or issues that may be preventing the URL from appearing in search results.

  3. Screenshot: This sub-component provides a screenshot of how the URL appears in Google’s index. It helps businesses to see how the URL appears in Google search results and identify any issues with the presentation of the URL.

  4. Linked from: This sub-component provides information on the external websites that are linking to the specific URL. It can give businesses an understanding of which websites are driving traffic to their website and help them identify high-quality, relevant links.

  5. Coverage: This sub-component provides information on how the specific URL is performing in Google’s index, including whether it is indexed, the date it was last indexed, and any crawl errors or issues that may be preventing the URL from appearing in search results.

By inspecting specific URLs on their website, businesses can identify and fix any issues that may be preventing their URLs from appearing in search results, which can help to improve the visibility and growth of their website.

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How "Links" helps to improve a website performance?​​

The “Links” component in Google Search Console has several sub-components that provide specific types of data and functionality:

  1. Top Linking Sites: This sub-component provides information on the external websites that have the most links pointing to your website. It includes data on the number of links, the linking domains, and the anchor text used in the links. By identifying high-quality, relevant links, businesses can work to improve their website’s authority and search rankings.

  2. Top Linking Text: This sub-component provides information on the most common anchor text used in links pointing to your website. It can give businesses an understanding of how their website is being described by external websites and help them identify any patterns or trends in the anchor text used in links.

  3. More sample links: This sub-component provides more sample links pointing to your website, which can give businesses more insights on how their website is being linked to.

  4. Download more links: This sub-component allows businesses to download a more detailed report of links pointing to their website, which can be used for further analysis and optimization.

By analyzing the links pointing to their website, businesses can identify high-quality, relevant links and take steps to improve their website’s authority and search rankings. This can help to improve the visibility and growth of their website.

How "Manual Actions" helps to improve a website performance?​​​

The “Manual Actions” component in Google Search Console has several sub-components that provide specific types of data and functionality:

  1. Manual actions: This sub-component shows any manual actions taken by Google against your website. It includes information on the type of action taken and the specific pages affected. Manual actions are taken by Google when a website is found to be in violation of Google’s guidelines, such as spamming, cloaking, or other manipulative practices. By identifying and fixing any issues identified by Google, businesses can help to ensure that their website is in compliance with Google’s guidelines and avoid any penalties that might impact the visibility or growth of their website.

  2. Security issues: This sub-component shows any security issues that have been identified by Google on your website. It includes information on the type of issue and the specific pages affected. These issues could be related to malware, phishing, or other types of security vulnerabilities. By identifying and fixing these issues, businesses can help to ensure that their website is secure and avoid any penalties that might impact the visibility or growth of their website.

  3. Reconsideration requests: This sub-component allows businesses to submit a request to have their website reviewed by Google after they have taken steps to fix any issues identified by Google. This can help businesses to have their website reinstated in Google’s search results.

By identifying and fixing any manual actions, security issues and submitting reconsideration requests, businesses can help to ensure that their website is in compliance with Google’s guidelines, secure and avoid any penalties that might impact the visibility or growth of their website.


How "Security" helps to improve a website performance?​​​​

The “Security & Manual Actions” component in Google Search Console is a combination of the “Manual Actions” and “Security issues” components. It provides an overview of both types of actions taken by Google on your website.

  1. Manual actions: This sub-component shows any manual actions taken by Google against your website, such as penalties for manipulative practices or violating guidelines. By identifying and fixing any issues identified by Google, businesses can help to ensure that their website is in compliance with Google’s guidelines and avoid any penalties that might impact the visibility or growth of their website.

  2. Security issues: This sub-component shows any security issues that have been identified by Google on your website, such as malware or phishing. By identifying and fixing these issues, businesses can help to ensure that their website is secure and avoid any penalties that might impact the visibility or growth of their website.

  3. Reconsideration requests: This sub-component allows businesses to submit a request to have their website reviewed by Google after they have taken steps to fix any issues identified by Google. This can help businesses to have their website reinstated in Google’s search results.

By identifying and fixing any Manual actions or security issues and submitting reconsideration requests, businesses can help to ensure that their website is in compliance with Google’s guidelines, secure and avoid any penalties that might impact the visibility or growth of their website.

What are the elements in 'GSC Settings"?

The “Settings” component in Google Search Console has several sub-components that provide specific types of data and functionality:

  1. Site: This sub-component allows businesses to specify the preferred domain for their website, which can be either the www or non-www version. This can help to ensure that all traffic to the website is directed to the preferred version.

  2. Users and Permissions: This sub-component allows businesses to add or remove users who have access to the Google Search Console data for a specific property and assign different level of access to them.

  3. Crawl rate: This sub-component allows businesses to specify the crawl rate for their website, which determines how frequently Googlebot will crawl their website. By adjusting the crawl rate, businesses can help to ensure that Googlebot is crawling their website at an optimal frequency.

  4. International targeting: This sub-component allows businesses to specify the target country for their website, which can help to ensure that their website is being shown to the right audience.

  5. URL Parameters: This sub-component allows businesses to specify how Google should handle specific URL parameters on their website. By adjusting the settings for URL parameters, businesses can help to ensure that Google is crawling their website correctly.

  6. Enhancements: This sub-component allows businesses to see and manage the enhancements that are available for their website, such as the possibility of adding a Google Maps on their website.

By configuring these settings correctly, businesses can help to ensure that their website is being crawled and indexed correctly by Google, which can improve the visibility and growth of their website.

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SOJY is a Growth Marketing Strategist with proven expertise in Marketing Psychology, Performance marketing and SEO with over 7 years of experience in the industry. With a passion for helping businesses grow, he has a track record of success in developing and executing innovative marketing strategies that drive growth and ROI.

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