How to Improve Facebook Ad Quality Ranking?

Facebook Ad Quality

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Anyone can make a Facebook ad, but not with the best Facebook Ad Quality and returns assured. From campaign strategy to publishing, virtually a decent camping understanding, tool skill or focus is required. However, there is a difference between running a Facebook advertisement and developing a compelling campaign that advances your marketing objectives. Many advertisers and companies still have trouble getting the most out of Facebook Ads.

In light of this, we should investigate the enigmatic process employed to establish ad quality rankings. What is it comprised of?

What is Facebook Ad Quality Ranking, and how to check it?

The platform aims to always provide customers with the best adverts rather than letting subpar commercials spoil the show. It thus devised a mechanism for evaluating advertising excellence. In essence, the strategy contrasts the ads of two different businesses. In 2019, the previous relevance score system was replaced with this upgraded version.

You can read more about the current Facebook ad quality ranking on Understanding Facebook’s New Quality Ranking.

Reaching an audience will be difficult if your ad quality score is lower than your competitors. To view your current score, go to the Ads Manager and select the Ads area. Your campaign’s current rating will be shown in the Quality Ranking column.

It's critical to understand that three components make up ad quality rankings:

  • Conversion
  • Engagement
  • Quality

If visitors do not interact with your advertisements, your ad quality score will be low. This is similar to how your ad’s quality rating will drop if there are low conversion rates. Why? Because Facebook could infer from both of these that your advertisement offers little value to the viewer. Thus, it will favour rivals’ advertising with greater engagement and conversion rates.

Your ad’s quality score will suffer if engagement and conversions are poor. Quality is affected by feedback, the number of individuals who hide your advertisement, engagement bait, grammatical mistakes, and whether or not you exclude information from your promotions.

You must increase engagement, conversion, and quality to raise your Facebook ad quality rankings.

Feedback Received on Your Ads​

Facebook Ads quality is an measured by assessing the ad's perceived quality and it's measured using feedback received and the post-clicks.

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What is a Good Facebook Quality Ranking?

Unlike the relevance score, which is based on a scale of one to ten, the quality rating is not reliant on a number, making it simple to assess how well your advertisements are doing.

Because of this, if you are Below Average or in the bottom 20%, your advertisements are among the least effective of those contending for the same audience.

Tips to Improve Your Facebook Ad Quality Ranking

Tips to Improve Your Facebook Ad Quality Ranking

Suppose you are dissatisfied with the ratings that your Facebook advertisements are receiving. In that case, there are actions that you can take to improve your quality rating and place your ad in front of the largest audience possible. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us. If one of these five tactics doesn’t work for you, try another one, or try all five.

Encourage Engagement

It makes sense to increase likes, comments, and shares wherever feasible because engagement is one of the three factors used to determine an advertisement’s quality rating. While some businesses reply to every remark and delete the unfavourable ones, others want feedback on the ad itself. Although it might seem apparent, it sparks conversation, and Facebook notices interaction. 

Create Video Ads

Everyone advises you to treat the production of videos and ads as a business. It raises your ad quality rating, so try it out if you’ve been waiting for a chance. Consumers are known to watch video advertising for five times longer than they do static ones. Even if they do not convert, you have a greater chance of piquing their attention using a video.

Fortunately, video marketing increases traffic and conversions for the majority of businesses. Show why your goods are better and how you can solve their problems, not just brag about them. The adage in storytelling, “Show, don’t tell,” also holds in advertising. As soon as you enter the realm of video, you’ll realize how many options there are. You may even collaborate with an influencer who is well-known in your industry.

Take an Honest and Open Approach

In today’s world, consumers are sick of the misleading methods businesses use to generate interest in their products and services. We believe that if we are genuine and honest with one another, we will be able to bring fresh energy into the world. Do not overpromise in your ads and fail to deliver on those promises. Do not use language designed to elicit clicks, and do not omit material that might potentially let you down later in the ad.

An honest approach is preferable for two reasons, which are as follows:

  • Your contact with customers is done in a very professional manner.
  • It does not provide any negative indicators that might bring down the quality score of your advertisement.

Are Demand Generation and Lead Generation identical?

Many marketers confuse demand generation with lead generation because of their implementation tactics and overlapping goals. There’s a huge difference between both of them.

 However to understand the relevance from a better perspective between the two is considering inbound marketing and lead generation as an essential subset of your overarching, flexible and long-term demand generation process.

On the other hand, the goal of lead generation is to obtain a wide range of quality leads whereas the primary focus of demand generation is more on brand positioning, loyalty, customer awareness, recall value and engagement.

Although the two processes coincide, the role of demand generation takes place much earlier and it doesn’t have any endpoint, unlike lead generation. Lead Generation focuses on collecting information of interested leads from a huge audience base to nurture sales.

Demand generation contributes more to generating the right kind of awareness, narrative and interest about the product or service to maintain a healthy and trusted relationship with customers.

Rotate Ads Frequently

The reality is that consumers become tired of seeing repetitious advertising follows. If you don’t rotate your ads, people will become sick of seeing them and won’t be interested in clicking. If at all feasible, keep your commercials on repeat to draw in viewers who are beginning to tune out.

How can ad weariness be overcome?

Create several versions of your advertisement using alternative graphics, language, and calls to action based on what you learned through A/B testing. You can now make a different ad set on Facebook for every day of the week. If each commercial is aired weekly, people won’t recall your brand. If appropriately executed, this may be the key to raising quality, engagement, and conversion rates.

Gather Likes and Shares

As was already said, engagement is essential for the ad quality ranking. Therefore it makes sense to get as many likes and shares as possible. However, there is a straightforward technique that businesses routinely ignore. When you start a campaign, Facebook believes you want to create a new ad. Use Existing Post is a separate tab located at the top of the page.

Most customers are unaware of this option, but by turning it on, you may consolidate all likes and shares into one ad rather than dispersing them over several. Ever wonder how a marketer manages to garner thousands of likes and shares? They recycle previous adverts rather than making new ones.

Bonus Tips to improve Facebook ad quality ranking

Here are some other suggestions that might help you improve the quality rating of your Facebook ads:

  • Utilize efficient and readily available technology (such as those that automate ad optimization and A/B testing, for example).
  • Exclude from your audience any users who have already given you their information to prevent future failures on their part from harming your analytics.
  • Use geo-targeting to engage in conversation with those who reside within a predetermined distance of your current location.
  • After making adjustments, be patient and give your campaigns time to run their course.

Also Read: Demand Generation: Know the Hacks​

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