How to Boost the Reach of Your Facebook Ads: 7 Tips

How to Boost the Reach of Your Facebook Ads: 7 Tips

Over the last five years, Facebook advertising has been standard practice for almost all large brands. The platform is undoubtedly helpful and may present your business to new customers.

We often hear about the need to acquire MORE scale inside the Facebook Ads ecosystem than any other difficulty. In light of these profitable results, businesses are eager to maximize this marketing channel.

Taking your Facebook marketing campaign to a larger scale can provide better results. It’s a great way to boost the effectiveness of your successful marketing initiatives and bring in more money.

With that point of view in mind, In this article, we have outlined some tips you can try to find scalability within your Facebook Ads accounts.

What Does it Mean to Scale Facebook Ads?

Scaling your Facebook advertisements raises your ad expenditure to achieve a good return by expanding your reach to more people while keeping a positive return on ad spend (ROAS) (return on ad spend).

It may seem daunting, but it can be if you aren’t experienced with growing your adverts. We’ve laid up a plan for when you should expand your Facebook marketing campaign to assist you.

When Is the Right Time to Increase Facebook Ad Spending?

Facebook ad scalability depends on the following factors:

  • Ad campaign returns on investment are satisfactory.
  • An Economical Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Ad frequency is somewhere around 1.8 and 4
  • A significant amount of impressions
  • As close to 10 on the relevance scale as you can get it

Before expanding an ad campaign, these are the KPIs you must monitor. Once you’ve verified that the criteria mentioned above are mostly satisfied, you may proceed to expand your Facebook ad campaign



7 practical tips for scaling your advertising on Facebook

1. Increase your budget

It may seem obvious, but increasing your Facebook Ads budget is a simple first step toward getting better results from your account.

However, unlike with platforms like Google Ads or Microsoft Ads, increasing your budget on Facebook isn’t as easy as it seems.

When you adjust your Facebook advertising budget, you modify one of the data points that informs Facebook’s algorithm

Thus, the Learning Phase might be restarted whenever the budget is altered. There is a standard rule of thumb for scaling this approach, whether you’re working with daily or lifetime budgets:

Any adjustments to the budget must account for no more than 20% of the total. If you need to make a larger change to your budget than 20%, you should break it up into smaller adjustments.

Each advertising group keeps statistics on its successes and failures. Although a budget increase of 15% to 20% may seem substantial, it is minor in the grand scheme of things, and the ad set will keep much of the data and lessons learned during the pilot portion of the campaign.

When opposed to a drastic change that wipes out an ad set’s historical data, this helps maintain performance relatively steady.

Increasing your spending is a straightforward strategy for expanding your Facebook reach, but you should keep in mind that you should only do it at 20% intervals.

2. Ensure your product is well-suited to the market.

Take a peek at your Facebook audience analytics before boosting your daily expenditure.

It’s likely that either no one is interested in your goods or you’re promoting it incorrectly if no one responds to your ad after multiple iterations.

If that’s the case, a Facebook search for rival businesses is in order. Even if they don’t have a Facebook profile or aren’t doing anything on the network, they may be advertising elsewhere, which means you should be there, too.

You may learn a lot about your target audience and how you can best serve them by checking out the content and adverts on your competitors’ websites.

3. Maximize Investment in High-Profit Facebook Audiences

If your target audience is over a million strong (or 10 million if you’re currently paying \$500 to \$1,000 per day), there is a good likelihood that a subset of them will produce more revenue than the rest.

The key to successfully growing a campaign is zeroing in on the client subset that yields the most return on investment and allocating most of your resources. Facebook’s ad breakdown function is what you need for this

Launch Facebook Ads Manager and go to the Breakdown button in the screen’s upper right-hand corner, just above the data table.

When you choose this option, you’ll be presented with four distinct breakdowns:

  • By Time
  • By Delivery
  • By Action
  • By Dynamic Creative Asset

In the scenario mentioned above, Delivery has shown to be the most beneficial of these four categories.

If you look at this data for the first time, assume you know absolutely nothing about your target audience. Examine each subset in turn.

To use this strategy for expanding your campaign, you should copy the successful ad set or campaign, refine your targeting to focus on your most valuable audience, and allocate 30% to 50% of your total budget to reach them.

If you find many lucrative subsets, you can just repeat this for each segment you have identified

4. Make use of content providers for a collaborative effort

We all know that not everyone has a knack for creating engaging written or visual content. In reality, even seasoned designers in the field are still learning some of the industry’s hidden laws of graphic design.

However, some individuals have an innate capacity for creativity. It seems like it would be simpler to hire pros to work on your projects instead of spending time learning Photoshop from videos on YouTube.

At that point, all that is left to do is share the ad on social media and greet the influx of new clients.

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5. Widen your geographic scope

This is a simple method for expanding the reach of your Facebook ads.

For example, if you manage a tiny coffee shop and don’t need to attract customers from a specific location, you may broaden your geographic target population.

Once you have sufficient data from many ad campaigns in one nation to determine which kind of advertising converts best, you can leverage this knowledge when extending your geographic targeting to other countries.

If you’ve had good luck advertising to Americans, you may also consider expanding into English-speaking nations or other overseas markets you believe have untapped potential.

Here are some suggestions for exploring new geographic areas:

  • Make sure it’s financially feasible to expand your shipping to additional regions.
  • It’s important to tailor marketing materials to account for cultural variations.
  • Put up a modest amount of money for advertisements at the beginning, then work your way up to larger sums.

6. Reuse your top adverts

One of the simplest ways to attract new customers by employing tried-and-true methods is to recycle your most effective advertisements.

If you choose this route, rethink who you’re targeting to prevent your ads from falling flat.

One simple strategy for this is to develop a “lookalike” audience composed of individuals with the same interests as your current clientele.

You may use Facebook Pixel or make a custom audience to consolidate your present audience.

A Facebook pixel is a piece of code that may be added to a website to monitor how many people have visited the site as a result of viewing the advertiser’s Facebook post.

7. Aim for the most inclusive possible demographic

To begin expanding the reach of your Facebook advertising, use this easy strategy: Aim for the broadest possible audience! It’s worth a shot if you’re pedaling a widely applicable product that may be a good fit for most customers.

There isn’t much work involved in this strategy compared to building a lookalike audience or searching for the next acceptable interest that might attract new clients.

Choose the target demographic’s age range and the region in which you want to sell your goods, and you’re good to go (e.g., 25-50).

The following are some advantages of this approach:

  1. For a considerable length of time, the frequency of your ads will be low.
  2. It’s a fantastic method to determine which demographics are the most receptive to your business. After some time has passed since your campaign began, you’ll be able to observe which customers are responding to it. Audiences you may have missed out on might be found!


Regarding e-commerce, the greatest difficulty with Facebook advertisements is retaining a profitable client base. While many online retailers may get a return on advertising expenditure (ROAS) of 250–500%, increasing your budget will cause auction prices to rise.

With Facebook’s prices continuing to rise, it’s more crucial than ever to generate revenue after acquiring a consumer.

Takeaway: Facebook advertisements are an excellent means of attracting qualified visitors to your website. As the price of Facebook advertisements continues to grow, it’s important to look outside the platform if you want to boost client lifetime value.

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SOJY is a Growth Marketing Strategist with proven expertise in Marketing Psychology, Performance marketing and SEO with over 7 years of experience in the industry. With a passion for helping businesses grow, he has a track record of success in developing and executing innovative marketing strategies that drive growth and ROI.

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