7 Biggest SEO Mistakes Ecommerce Stores Make—And How To Fix Them

7 Biggest SEO Mistakes Ecommerce Stores Make—And How To Fix Them

If your online store’s top-notch items, it’s tempting to believe that your SEO needs won’t be as pressing.

However, the reality is that every enterprise has to take precautions to make sure they are doing all they can to get a high Google ranking. Making a blunder with your SEO is easier than you think.

While SEO is challenging in and of itself, mistakes only make things worse, not least because it may be tough to realize you’ve made a mistake until it’s too late.

If you own an online store, getting your SEO in order is crucial to your bottom line since it may lead to a significant increase in sales.

Here are seven typical SEO blunders e-commerce stores make and solutions to these problems.

1. Not Including Product Descriptions in Your Listings

Even for low-frequency inquiries, the website’s chances of being at the top are almost eliminated due to the absence of a written description of the products listed.

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but search engines can’t read that. So be sure to include a description on the product card.

Be sure to provide a detailed product description. A good indicator of the quantity of original material required is determining the baseline word count of a blank product page.

You should add the total number of words on a blank product page, including those in the navigation, the sidebar, the footer, and wherever text appears.

A higher value will be placed on unique content if you ensure that your unique text is longer than the “default” number of words.

The more original and engaging the product description is, the better it will perform for search engine optimization.

2. Reusing Supplier Product Descriptions

This is the number one SEO rookie mistake made by online businesses. Some online retailers compromise on writing a unique description of each product they sell to provide a more extensive selection of brands.

They usually stick with the description provided by the supplier. The same product description was probably sent to hundreds of other sites, any number of which may or may not have altered it in any way.

They aren’t going to go very far with this strategy. The only thing that was done was ramp up the amount of duplicate content that could sabotage your whole domain.

Some of these sites may see an increase in their search engine rankings, visitor numbers, and revenue, but think of the results you may achieve by providing even more value to your readers.

Find out what people are searching for related to the goods you wish to sell. Use search volume and term relevance to find the best keyword chances. Create in-depth, keyword-optimized product descriptions.

Using these guidelines, you may write excellent product descriptions that boost your search engine rankings by using 1-3 targeted keywords.


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Being more visible to the target audience is the a key factor that accelerate demand.

3. Losing sight of feedback from clients

Recent studies have shown that 91 percent of internet consumers read customer evaluations, with 84 percent placing as much stock in such reviews as they would in a friend’s suggestion.

This demonstrates the influence of reviews on persuading a buyer to purchase. In other words, you can turn away a sizable portion of your potential customers because your site lacks evaluations.

It’s important to remember the many search engine optimization functions served by client reviews. First of all, if you’re going to put the reviews on your site, you’ll have access to original material without spending a dime.

Google will see that your page is active and utilized if reviews are often updated with new information.

Google does, however, consider consumer feedback posted on third-party sites, most notably on its own reviews platform.

Getting excellent ratings on Google might do wonders for your search engine rankings.

Remember to respond to every review (particularly unfavorable ones) to explain your side of the story.

4. Failing to Employ Schema

Although many eCommerce sites may profit significantly from Schema, they are not using it.

Schema is a kind of structured data that improves your site’s readability and Google’s ability to interpret it. It’s helpful in highlighting specific details in search engine results.

If you have great reviews that you want prospective buyers to read, or if you’ve made an effort to set up a terrific FAQ section, then it’s worth marketing using Schema so that people can find your site when searching for it.

In addition to raising your site’s visibility in search results, this demonstrates your competence and sends a message to visitors that you appreciate their demands.

According to the latest statistics, fewer than 1% of websites use Schema, making it one of the most important and neglected methods for your website to stand out in Google’s searches.

Remember that a good Schema might improve your site’s snippet position in search results. The likelihood of a user clicking is increased.

5. Meta Titles that are Duplicate or Missing

Being original is essential, as has been said. Due to Google’s dislike of duplicate content, it is crucial for your SEO efforts that each page has a unique title.

Page titles that do well in search engine results include a primARY keyword at the beginning, a secondary keyword, and the company’s brand name.

If feasible, we suggest using all of the available title space. This may be previewed using a tool like SERPsim, measured in pixels.

While it’s necessary to get the most out of the meta title’s allotted character count, it’s also crucial that the title makes sense and doesn’t simply have a bunch of random keywords.

Since Google can detect such manipulation, it may lower your search engine ranks.

6. Failing to Tailor Your product as per demand

You’re using Google Analytics to monitor your progress toward your objectives, but have you considered the potential keyword-based demand for your products?

The success of your website relies on your attention to detail in responding to searchers’ queries.

Without carefully crafting your headers, title tags, and product descriptions, you risk building a website using keywords that nobody uses.

As an illustration, you might sell cotton t-shirts. You have “cotton t-shirts” strategically placed in your site’s meta description, title, and header tags.

However, if you analyze the search terms more deeply, you may discover that “t-shirts for summer” is a term that individuals frequently search for.

If you disregard this data and its implications, you risk alienating a sizable section of your target audience.

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7. URLs with no text transcription

Talking URLs are optimized for search engines and provide descriptive information to the user about what they will find when they follow the link.

Speaking URLs are crucial for any online store for two key reasons.

Semantics: The buyer will know what to anticipate after clicking your link.   A lengthy URL consisting of obscure characters and numbers that don’t relate to the website’s content is a dead giveaway that it’s spam.

Keyword and Anchor Link: If you’re lucky, another website will take up the URL and publish it. If it is, the anchor tag will include your target keywords, which benefits your search engine results since backlinks with relevant specific keywords are higher.


You are aware that Google is a browser that places a high priority on its users and the quality of the experience they have.

If visitors stay on your site for an extended period without returning to Google’s results page, it’s a good sign that Google sent them where they wanted to go.

If people like your site’s content, they’ll be more inclined to include a link to it in their blog or website — and as we’ve discussed, links propel your website to the top of SERPs.

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