What is “ProsCons” schema markup

PprosCons schema markup

The ProsCons schema is a type of microdata that can be added to a website’s HTML code to provide search engines with information about a pros and cons list on the page. The ProsCons schema is a member of the Review type in the Schema.org vocabulary, and it can be used to mark up lists of pros and cons for products, services, or other topics.

By using the ProsCons schema, search engines can better understand the content of the page and display it in a more user-friendly and informative way in search results. For example, a search engine may display the pros and cons list as a summary of the page’s content, or it may include the individual pros and cons items as part of the page’s search result snippet.

To use the ProsCons schema, you need to add the appropriate itemscope and itemtype attributes to the HTML code of your webpage. The itemscope attribute defines the scope of the schema, while the itemtype attribute specifies the type of schema being used. In the case of the ProsCons schema, you would use the following code:

					<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ProsCons">


<div itemscope itemtype=”http://schema.org/ProsCons”>


Within the ProsCons schema, you can use additional schema types and properties to mark up the individual pros and cons items. For example, you could use the ListItem schema to mark up each item in the list, and the item property to specify the actual pros and cons item:

					<div itemprop="pros" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ListItem">
    <li itemprop="item">Improves posture and reduces back pain</li>


By adding this schema markup to your webpage, you can help search engines understand the content of your pros and cons list and improve the visibility and relevance of your page in search results.

Example of a schema code to mark up a pros and cons

					<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ProsCons">
  <h3 itemprop="name">Pros and Cons of Using a Standing Desk</h3>
  <div itemprop="pros" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ListItem">
    <h4 itemprop="itemListElement">Pros:</h4>
      <li itemprop="item">Improves posture and reduces back pain</li>
      <li itemprop="item">Burns more calories than sitting</li>
      <li itemprop="item">Promotes better circulation and reduces the risk of health problems</li>
  <div itemprop="cons" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ListItem">
    <h4 itemprop="itemListElement">Cons:</h4>
      <li itemprop="item">May be uncomfortable for some people</li>
      <li itemprop="item">Can be expensive</li>
      <li itemprop="item">May take some time to adjust to</li>


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